Josh Barnett Fly Fishing

SAE Project Page
About Josh Barnett
SAE- NG Trout Rules
SAE- Fishing License
SAE- Fish Indentification
Streamer Extravaganza
Members Site
Fly Drive
Fishing Stories
North Georgia Trout Fishing
Fly of the Month
Fly Fishing: A Sport
About Us
Editor's Musings
Swaps and VFB
Members Only
Virtual Fly Box

This page is dedicated to my 2002 Supervised Agircultural Activity:
Web-Designs By: Joshua Trey Barnett
                            East Jackson Middle
                            7th Grade
Rules and Regulations for Program:
The SAE Program requires a minimum of 20 hours of verible hand-on-activity in any area of agriculture and natural resources selected by the student.  This is not a traditional research paper although the student may count up to one hour spent on literature review.
SAEs can include home or community home improvement projects(this includes landscaping, vegetable gardening, floral arrangments, food processing, fence or compost bin construction, etc...) job placement(for wages experience) agriscience research investigations, entrepreneurship, enviromental projects (Adopt-A-Stream, or wildlife habitat inprovement) directed lab activities after school, and ag communications projects (topical magazine, web site design).  The best projects are the ones that can be continued into the next school year.
"I have decided to do a web-page specializing in North Georgia Sprt Fishing Regulations.  I will build the web-site with add ons like weekly fishing records, stream reports, pattern index, and some type of regulation page for N. Georgia."

Agriculture Technology 2002
East Jackson Middle School
Commerce, Ga.
Ag Tech Teacher:  Mr. R. Micah Story
                                          -FFA Manager 2002 EJMS

Joshua Trey Barnett Fly Fishing Inc.©

Nicholson, Georgia




November 20, 2002



Dear Reader,

Its almost Christmas Time now and Josh Barnett Fly Fishing Inc. is getting off to a great start. We have already had over 175, 000 visitors in the past 4 months. As you can tell, we do have a new page series; The SAE Web pages. The SAE pages are mainly for my AG Tech teacher to look at and review. The series is part of my final term grade. Please give any comments to the SAE pages in the forum.

If you live in North Georgia then youre in great luck. The SAE pages are all centered around NG Trout Fishing. Hope that you guys will enjoy this, as much as Ive enjoyed working on it!

Dont forget to vote for me I wanna be number one for Fly Fishing Top 100 sites!

Thanks and tie on


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